My scientific
My name is Rolf H. Engler and I was born in Bad Essen, Germany, in 1944.
In 1969 I received my Dipl. Ing. degree at the Ing.-Academy of Wolfenbüttel
in the field of heating and air conditioning. After five years in industry,
I started a second study at the University of Göttingen and the
Max Planck Institute for Flow Physics and received my Dipl.-Physiker
degree in 1979 for "Vortex investigation using Ultrasonic pulses".
In 1986 I received the Dr. rer. nat. degree for "Experimental investigations
of vortex breakdown using a newly developed non intrusive technique
- the Ultrasonic-Laser-Method". I was still engaged to develop
non disturbing methods for flow field and surface investigations as
well as temperature measurements. Since 1991 I work on pressure-sensitive
paint techniques PSP in different wind tunnels of DLR and Europe. Since
1995 I'm the project leader of the PSP team at DLR Göttingen and
created with my six person team a DLR-PSP-Intensity system for various
speed ranges as well as the PSP-Lifetime technique and Temperature sensitive
paints (TSP) for different temperature regimes - manly for turbine blades
but also for cryogenic wind tunnel applications.